Lazarus and the Rich Man
May 27, 2012
"And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried." (Luke 16:22)
Many scholars believe that the episode reported in Luke 16:19-31 actually happened; that it is a true story. If it is a parable, it is not identified as such, and it is the only one in which the name of a participant is given. Christ related the story as if it were true. But whether history or parable, we can learn much from the contrast between these two dramatically different men, their deaths and destinies.
The rich man, of course, surrounded himself with luxury (v. 19) while Lazarus struggled each day just to survive until the next poverty-filled and pain-wracked day (vv. 20-21).
No one can escape the grave, however, and in the passage of time, both died. But, rather than reducing those two different individuals to the commonality of death, their differences actually are heightened. The rich man, "being in torments" (v. 23), was aware of the comfort of Lazarus in "Abraham's bosom" (v. 22). The interchange between the rich man and Abraham, and the timeless instruction Christ gave, are well known.
Note also the contrast between "carried" and "buried" in our text. The beggar's body was no doubt unceremoniously dumped into a pauper's grave, while the rich man's corpse was placed in a costly sepulcher, and his funeral attended by many friends and mourners. But look beyond the earthly spectrum. While the rich man begs for mercy and relief from torment, the poor man's eternal spirit is "carried" (literally, "carried off" or "borne away") by a convoy of angelic beings into the presence of God, where "now he is comforted" (v. 25). For Lazarus, and indeed for all who die in the Lord, "death is swallowed up in victory" (1 Corinthians 15:54). JDM
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Sunday Sermonette
In-Law or Outlaw?
May 20, 2012
"To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law." (1 Corinthians 9:21)
The preaching of the gospel weighed heavily on Paul, and in this passage (vv. 5-23), as well as surrounding chapters (8:1-11:1), he explained the lengths to which he would go to be able to preach and to avoid being a stumbling block to potential hearers. Since he closes the section with the exhortation "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ" (11:1), we would do well to observe his methods.
The message of the work of Christ Jesus burned within Paul. "Woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!" (9:16). He would preach willingly or unwillingly (v. 17), for no financial gain (v. 18), or personal glory (v. 16), but he had to preach. "I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more" (v. 19), he said. He would even make himself acceptable to the Jews (v. 20) by not breaking their law, even though he knew he was no longer bound by it.
In our text, Paul explains his approach to the Gentiles, those who were "without law." He could not behave in a licentious, sinful, lawless manner, for God's holy nature demands holiness. The Greek word anomos, translated four times in this verse as "without law," is contrasted in the parenthetic comment to ennomos, "under the law." Paul was not lawless. Even though not under the Mosaic law, he had voluntarily, out of a heart of love for the Savior, placed himself under a set of new and better restraints, that of the law of Christ, "that I might by all means save some" (v. 22).
Christians of today have, to a great extent, benefited from Paul's unquenchable thirst for souls. He had partaken of the sweet fruits of the gospel and preached "that I might be partaker thereof with you" (v. 23). Should we not willingly follow his example? JDM
May 20, 2012
"To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law." (1 Corinthians 9:21)
The preaching of the gospel weighed heavily on Paul, and in this passage (vv. 5-23), as well as surrounding chapters (8:1-11:1), he explained the lengths to which he would go to be able to preach and to avoid being a stumbling block to potential hearers. Since he closes the section with the exhortation "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ" (11:1), we would do well to observe his methods.
The message of the work of Christ Jesus burned within Paul. "Woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!" (9:16). He would preach willingly or unwillingly (v. 17), for no financial gain (v. 18), or personal glory (v. 16), but he had to preach. "I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more" (v. 19), he said. He would even make himself acceptable to the Jews (v. 20) by not breaking their law, even though he knew he was no longer bound by it.
In our text, Paul explains his approach to the Gentiles, those who were "without law." He could not behave in a licentious, sinful, lawless manner, for God's holy nature demands holiness. The Greek word anomos, translated four times in this verse as "without law," is contrasted in the parenthetic comment to ennomos, "under the law." Paul was not lawless. Even though not under the Mosaic law, he had voluntarily, out of a heart of love for the Savior, placed himself under a set of new and better restraints, that of the law of Christ, "that I might by all means save some" (v. 22).
Christians of today have, to a great extent, benefited from Paul's unquenchable thirst for souls. He had partaken of the sweet fruits of the gospel and preached "that I might be partaker thereof with you" (v. 23). Should we not willingly follow his example? JDM
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Mother's Day, Sunday Sermonette
The Mother of Us All
May 13, 2012
"And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living." (Genesis 3:20)
Sarah, Abraham's wife, was called the mother of all "the children of promise" (Galatians 4:28), and the wife of Noah was the mother of all post-Flood mankind, but Mother Eve, alone, was "the mother of all living." "Adam was first formed, then Eve," Paul said in 1 Timothy 2:13, and so-called "Christian evolutionists" have never yet been able to explain God's unique formation of Eve's body in any kind of an evolutionary context.
Eve, as our first mother, experienced all the great joys and great sorrows that all later mothers would know. She evidently had many "sons and daughters" (Genesis 5:4), and probably lived to see many generations of grandchildren. With Adam, she had even known paradise, but sin had entered their lives when they rebelled against God's Word, and God had to say: "In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children" (Genesis 3:16). The greatest sorrow was no doubt when Cain slew Abel, and as with another mother whose Son's innocent blood was shed many years later, it was like a sword piercing her own soul (Luke 2:35).
Nevertheless, as near as we can tell, after her first great sin, Eve trusted God's Word henceforth, and received His forgiveness and salvation. Later, as the mother of Seth, she taught him and her grandson, Enos, about the Lord and all His promises. "Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord" (Genesis 4:26).
Most Christian believers are looking forward to seeing their own mothers again someday--restating their love and appreciation for all they did in bearing them, and in caring, teaching, and praying for them. But it will be a wonderful experience to meet our first mother, also, as well as Sarah, Hannah, Mary, and all the other godly mothers of old. HMM
May 13, 2012
"And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living." (Genesis 3:20)
Sarah, Abraham's wife, was called the mother of all "the children of promise" (Galatians 4:28), and the wife of Noah was the mother of all post-Flood mankind, but Mother Eve, alone, was "the mother of all living." "Adam was first formed, then Eve," Paul said in 1 Timothy 2:13, and so-called "Christian evolutionists" have never yet been able to explain God's unique formation of Eve's body in any kind of an evolutionary context.
Eve, as our first mother, experienced all the great joys and great sorrows that all later mothers would know. She evidently had many "sons and daughters" (Genesis 5:4), and probably lived to see many generations of grandchildren. With Adam, she had even known paradise, but sin had entered their lives when they rebelled against God's Word, and God had to say: "In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children" (Genesis 3:16). The greatest sorrow was no doubt when Cain slew Abel, and as with another mother whose Son's innocent blood was shed many years later, it was like a sword piercing her own soul (Luke 2:35).
Nevertheless, as near as we can tell, after her first great sin, Eve trusted God's Word henceforth, and received His forgiveness and salvation. Later, as the mother of Seth, she taught him and her grandson, Enos, about the Lord and all His promises. "Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord" (Genesis 4:26).
Most Christian believers are looking forward to seeing their own mothers again someday--restating their love and appreciation for all they did in bearing them, and in caring, teaching, and praying for them. But it will be a wonderful experience to meet our first mother, also, as well as Sarah, Hannah, Mary, and all the other godly mothers of old. HMM
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Sunday Sermonette
Seeking Signs
May 6, 2012
"An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." (Matthew 12:39-40)
If there was ever "an evil and adulterous generation," it is surely this present one and, once again, there is a widespread seeking after signs (same word in the Greek as "miracles"). The almost explosive rise of the so-called New Age movement has produced an amazing interest in all forms of occultism and supernatural phenomena: astrology, channeling, ESP, near-death experiences, UFOs, meditation, and mysticism of many strange varieties.
Even in Christian circles, there is an unhealthy interest in new revelations and other supernatural signs. The Lord Jesus, however, rebuked those who wanted special signs before receiving Him. "Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe" (John 4:48). He has already given us the greatest of all signs--His bodily resurrection from the dead, the best-evidenced fact of all history--and this should suffice, as He told the scribes and Pharisees in our text.
In fact, there is a real danger in seeking such signs and wonders, for many of these things--while perhaps supernatural--are not from God. "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect" (Matthew 24:24).
Unlike the first generation of Christians, we now have the complete written Word of God, both Old and New Testaments, and it is sufficient for every need of every believer until Christ returns, "whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts" (2 Peter 1:19). HMM
May 6, 2012
"An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." (Matthew 12:39-40)
If there was ever "an evil and adulterous generation," it is surely this present one and, once again, there is a widespread seeking after signs (same word in the Greek as "miracles"). The almost explosive rise of the so-called New Age movement has produced an amazing interest in all forms of occultism and supernatural phenomena: astrology, channeling, ESP, near-death experiences, UFOs, meditation, and mysticism of many strange varieties.
Even in Christian circles, there is an unhealthy interest in new revelations and other supernatural signs. The Lord Jesus, however, rebuked those who wanted special signs before receiving Him. "Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe" (John 4:48). He has already given us the greatest of all signs--His bodily resurrection from the dead, the best-evidenced fact of all history--and this should suffice, as He told the scribes and Pharisees in our text.
In fact, there is a real danger in seeking such signs and wonders, for many of these things--while perhaps supernatural--are not from God. "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect" (Matthew 24:24).
Unlike the first generation of Christians, we now have the complete written Word of God, both Old and New Testaments, and it is sufficient for every need of every believer until Christ returns, "whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts" (2 Peter 1:19). HMM
Thursday, May 3, 2012
National Day of Prayer
Lord Jesus, we come to you with grief in our hearts as to the direction America is heading. Please precious Lord, bless our land once more as we repent of all we've either done, or not done, that has led us to the point where we are as a nation. Forgive us for murdering, or allowing to be murdered, 55 million + babies in the womb, and please make us whole again as a nation, one nation under God! Please protect us from all enemies within and without. Please Lord, also make the elections in November clean, open, and honest and give us the strength to turn the ship of state back into the heading that points to You! Praise you dear Lord Jesus, and thank you in advance for the answers to our prayers! Amen, and Amen!
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