Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Men as Heroes?

I’m sure we all realize that all this downplay in the role of the male in society and fathers in particular is a direct swipe at God and His Kingdom. The secular world has no need for strong spiritual masculine types. Men are supposed to be the spritual leaders in their families and in society in general. The structure of the family as a whole is supposed to be a picture of the loving Father, the Lord Jesus, and all the body of Christian believers. The more society moves away from God, the further down the rung fathers slip.

This has had an obvious adverse effect on Christian men too. When I first became a Christian in the dark ages of 1972, I often wondered why there were so many, what I called at the time, “church widows.” Not widows in the common sense of the term, but those with or without children and good fully functional husbands who never darkened the doors of the church, except to sometimes drop off the wife and kiddos at Church or Sunday School. The usual excuse for his absense would have been the beautiful golf weather or the “man the football game starts five minutes before the sermon’s supposed go on.” Generally from what I’ve seen and heard, somewhere along the line, the Pastor had struck a nerve with dad and ticked him off so bad that, “I’ll never darken the doors of that place again because he said something I don’t like.” At that point, Satan had made an ally out of dear old dad, and headed the entire family down a path to destruction.

After all is said and done, I believe that this is what homosexuality and the women’s lib movements have done for America, and the coffin nails of gay marriage will finish it off. Thanks to all the “diversions” mentioned in Floyd’s post, America is ripe for what is now taking place in Washington, D.C. For you see my friends, we men have allowed all this to happen, and our country is being lost with nary any sound at all, but a whimper!

This is what has happened to all of America’s heroes. They/we have relinquished the title willingly for a few of the pleasures of this world, with nary a thought for the pleasures of the next. My dad was not perfect, but did take us “with him” to Church and Sunday School. I myself spent some time away from God on an excursion I shant go into here. At that point I gave up my claim as the family “hero.” I eventually came to my senses, albeit later rather than sooner, but it’s never too late if one is still able to think and breath. And I discovered that God and my family were forgiving and receiving, much as in Jesus' sermon of the “Prodigal Son.

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